Investor Relations Enquiry > Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Executive Directors
Mr. Wang Wenhao (王文浩): aged 44, was appointed as executive Director, general manager and Chief Executive Officer of the Company on 13 February 2019. Mr. Wang is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the Group.
Ms. Hu Hongfang (胡洪芳): aged 55, was appointed as Director on 9 August 2018 and was re-designated as executive Director and appointed as Chief Financial Officer of the Company on 13 February 2019.
Ms. Hu is responsible for the overall strategic planning, business development and financial management of the Group.
Non-executive Director
Mr. Liu Jiang (劉江): aged 55, is the founder of the Group. He was appointed as Director on 28 May 2018 and was re-designated as non-executive Director and the Chairman of the Board on 13 February 2019. Mr. Liu is responsible for the provision of guidance for the overall development of the Group. Mr. Liu is the Chairman of the nomination committee of the Board.
Mr. Zhou Wei (周煒) : aged 49, was appointed as non-executive Director on 13 February 2019. Mr. Zhou is responsible for the provision of guidance for the overall development of the Group.
Independent non-executive Directors
Mr. Qian Hongji (錢紅驥): aged 47, He is responsible for supervising and providing independent judgement to the Board. He is a member of the audit committee, nomination committee and remuneration committee of the Board.
Mr. Fan Chi Chiu (范智超): aged 37, is responsible for supervising and providing independent judgement to the Board. He is the chairman of the audit committee.
Dr. Chen Lei (陳磊): aged 50, is responsible for supervising and providing independent judgement to the Board. He is a member of the audit committee and the remuneration committee.
Dr. Li Yongrui (李永瑞): aged 52, is responsible for supervising and providing independent judgement to the Board. He is the chairman of the remuneration committee and a member of the nomination committee of the Board.

Senior Management
Mr. Li Pengfei (李鵬飛): aged 48, was appointed as deputy general manager of the Company on 13 July 2021.
Mr. Li is responsible for the daily operation and market development of the Group.

  Audit Committee Remuneration Committee Nomination Committee
Mr. Liu Jiang     c
Mr. Qian Hongji m m m
Mr. Fan Chi Chiu c    
Dr. Chen Lei m m  
Dr. Li Yongrui   c m

c=chairman主席  m=member委员


